
Online Peri-Event Time Histogram for open ephys

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


More detailed documentation: https://opeth.readthedocs.io/

Online Peri-Event Time Histogram for Open Ephys.

OPETH visualizes Peri-Event Time Histograms (PETH) of spikes detected in raw Open Ephys data, broadcasted via ZeroMQ. PETH is aligned to triggers from Open Ephys.


  • OPETH requires ZMQInterface plugin. It is part of Open Ephys from version 0.6.7 up.
  • Set up Open Ephys with ZMQInterface plugin. The ZMQ plugin is recommended to be put after bandpass filter and/or common average reference filter in the Open Ephys signal chain, while spike detector filter is not required.
  • Start with the opeth command when using the pip package or start with python opeth/gui.py when running from sources (see below).


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Required non-default packages: pyzmq, pyqtgraph plus one of the qt versions for pyqtgraph, preferably PyQt5, and also their dependencies (e.g. numpy), see requirements.txt.

Running from sources

After cloning the git repository or extracting a source zip file, multiple methods could work.

Setting up python environment with conda

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Setting up python environment with pip

Python dependencies can be installed with the command

pip install -r requirements.txt