
Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This is a boilerplate repository for any godot game.

It will automatically build Windows, Linux, MacOSX binaries and create an HTML5 export for GitHub Pages on every push to the main branch.

If you create and provide a keystore you will also get an Android App. Additionally you can add your itch.io API credentials to enable a automatic deployment to itch.io

Add add repository as upstream

# add upstream
git remote add upstream git@github.com:PanLabGameDev/godot-boilerplate.git
# verify
git remote -vv
# merge latest changes
git merge upstream main

Android / APK Export

  • Create your own keystore:
echo y | keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -validity 20000 -dname "cn=Godot, ou=GameDev, o=PanLab, c=AT" -alias godot -keypass godotpass -storepass godotpass -keystore android.keystore

or on windows:

keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -validity 20000 -dname "cn=Godot, ou=GameDev, o=PanLab, c=AT" -alias godot -keypass godotpass -storepass godotpass -keystore android.keystore
  • make sure to set your alias and your key-/storepass accordingly in godot's export_presets.cfg
  • keep in mind: the keystore password will be public
  • encrypt the keystore using gpg - you will be asked for a passphrase (which will not be public):
gpg -c --armor android.keystore
  • on windows install e.g. gpg4win and follow their instructions
  • open the file android.keystore.asc in your text editor.
  • Go to your GitHub repository > Settings > Secrets: New Repository Secret
  • Set the value to the content of that .asc file (including -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----...)
  • Create another secret and name it: ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASS
  • Set the value to the password you have chosen when asked by gpg.

itch.io Export

  • Create an itch.io account and a new project: https://itch.io/game/new
  • Give it a proper name and set Kind of project to HTML - you can leave the rest empty and update it later
  • Go to your settings > Api Keys: https://itch.io/user/settings/api-keys
  • Click Generate new API key and copy the key.
  • Go to your GitHub repository > Settings > Secrets: New Repository Secret
  • Name it: ITCHIO_API_KEY
  • Set the API key as content.
  • Create another secret and name: ITCHIO_USER
  • Set your username as content.
  • Create another secret and name: ITCHIO_GAME
  • Set the name of your itch.io project as content.