
Simple tool for running Docker based development environments with Chef and Berkshelf based provisioning. Reads config from the "Tuggerfile" in your project's root folder.

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Simple tool for running Docker based development environments with Chef and Berkshelf based provisioning.

Reads config from the Tuggerfile in your project's root folder and uses use a tugger-stack from another git repository which contains the provisioning config for your development container.

You can find a Debian based LAMP tugger-stack here: https://github.com/joschi127/tugger-stack-lamp-php7

To create your own provisioning config, just fork the repository of the tugger-stack and use the Git URL of your own repository in your Tuggerfile.


  • Inspired by Vagrant and the vagrant up command - just run tugger start from your project folder and you're ready to go
  • Chef and Berkshelf based provisioning, originally based on the Vagrant-LAMP-Stack by MiniCodeMonkey
  • And of course also thanks a lot to all the guys from Docker, Chef, Berkshelf and all the other great tools we're using for this
  • Thanks to Mike and Chris from the Coder Radio podcast where I heard about Docker for the very first time


  • Should be as easy to use as Vagrant (having less features but being more lightweight)
  • Should work out of the box on Linux and Mac (only Docker and standard tools lile bash or git are required)
  • Faster and using less memory and disk space than Vagrant or other virtual machines, thanks to the power of Docker containers (at least on Linux hosts)
  • Automatic provisioning and reprovisioning
  • Allows using a shared Docker image if you create several containers from the same tugger-stack to save disk space and to allow creating new containers faster
  • Automatically shares your project source files with the container
  • Automatically shares your ~/.git and ~/.ssh settings folders with the container so you can use git and your existing SSH keys from within the container
  • Avoids nasty permission issues (e.g. by automatically running Apache and PHP with your own user's user id in tugger-stack-lamp and tugger-stack-lamp-php7)
  • Automatically updates your /etc/hosts file so you can access your containers by using a fixed host name
  • Automatically allocates mapped ports (required on Mac for direct access e.g. to the webserver running in the container)
  • Allows to override settings predefined in the tugger-stack's chef.json file by setting extra chef.json data in your Tuggerfile


Docker has to be installed and your own user account has to be allowed to use it. (For most systems, add yourself to the docker group and re-login.)

On Macs you have to use boot2docker in addition.

Quick start - using tugger for your project

Install tugger if not already installed:

# on linux: install tugger whereever you want
git clone https://github.com/joschi127/tugger /some/target/path/tugger

# on mac: tugger has to be installed somewhere under /Users/
git clone https://github.com/joschi127/tugger /Users/your_username/some/target/path/tugger

Make it available as a global command: (optional)

sudo ln -s /some/target/path/tugger/bin/tugger /usr/local/bin/tugger

Add a Tuggerfile to your project:

cp /some/target/path/tugger/Tuggerfile.example /path/to/your/project/Tuggerfile
# edit the file with your favorite text editor
# feel free to add the file to your project's version control system

Start docker container by using tugger:

tugger start

For more information have a look at the command reference:

tugger --help

Show status of container

To show the current status, IP address, mapped ports etc. of a container you can use:

tugger status

SSH into running container

To access a shell in the container, use SSH like this:

# replace 'projectname' with the name you have defined in your Tuggerfile
ssh webserver@projectname

# if you are on a mac using a boot2docker virtual machine, you have to pass the mapped port in addition
ssh webserver@projectname -p 7227

Your project folder will be available under /var/www/webproject in the container.

So to execute command line tools (like for example composer) in your container, cd into this folder:

cd /var/www/webproject
# then for example you can run: composer install -o

Access webserver of running container

Just use your project's hostname to open your project in the browser: (from the same computer that is running the docker container)

# replace 'projectname' with the name you have defined in your Tuggerfile

# if you are on a mac using a boot2docker virtual machine, you have to pass the mapped port in addition

For accessing the webserver from other devices in your LAN (for example from a mobile device) you can open a SSH tunnel to map a port:

# replace 'projectname' with the name you have defined in your Tuggerfile
ssh -f -N -L *:8080:localhost:80 webserver@projectname

# if you are on a mac using a boot2docker virtual machine, you have to pass the mapped port in addition
ssh -f -N -L *:8080:localhost:80 webserver@projectname -p 7227

Then you should be able to access the webserver from other devices in your LAN by opening an URL like this:

# replace with the LAN IP of the machine which is running the docker container

Trouble shooting for failures during provisioning:

# check cocker process list
docker ps

# run bash in container directly via docker
docker exec -it container-name bash

# run provisioning within container
docker exec -it container-name bash
cd /chef
/opt/chef/embedded/bin/berks vendor /chef/cookbooks
chef-solo --legacy-mode -c "/chef/chef.rb" -j "/chef/chef.json"