Base Kotlin - WebFlux service

This project contains a sample service using Spring WebFlux as the web framework, Arrow to add some functional components and uses a reactive mongoDB driver, to make the complete flow reactive. This is a simplified version based on one we've started using at my last project.

What's in here

  • Use webflux to provide a reactive web framework
  • Use Arrow for handling nullable values, and to make working with Mono and Flux easier
  • MongoDB with reactive driver for storage
  • Typesafe config for central configuration handling
  • Customizable error handling
  • Simple validation of incoming parameters
  • CORS filter enabled
  • Work without annotations, and just use the kotlin DSL to define the beans.

Not in here

There are couple of things I've left out, which don't really have that much to do with the whole flux/kotlin/arrow stuff, but which we needed:

  • Customize JSON serialization and deserialization for the HTTP messages.
  • Customize serialization and deserialization for the BSON messages.

Should you have questions specifically for these subjects just let me know.