
Dockerfile for https://github.com/CDSoft/pp

Primary LanguagePascal


Dockerfile for pp, the generic preprocessor for Pandoc.

Based on: https://github.com/CDSoft/pp

Docker Image



Running pp

pp="docker run --rm -it josdotso/pp"

${pp} --help

Building and Viewing the Example Documentation

cd examples/tech-doc
make all
open dist/pdf/tech-doc.pdf
open dist/html/tech-doc.html

Accessing Files

To use this image effectively, you should mount directories from the host machine into the container. To do this with docker run, see the -v argument in docker run --help.

  -v, --volume list                    Bind mount a volume

Running pandoc with pandoc-latex-template:

pandoc="docker run --rm --entrypoint pandoc -v ${PWD}:/opt -it josdotso/pp"

${pandoc} /opt/example.md -o /opt/example.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings

ref: https://github.com/Wandmalfarbe/pandoc-latex-template#usage

Bonus Material

The following projects are embedded in this container image for your convenience: