Trillo Project

Project build mainly with HTML and CSS with the pre-processor SASS where I built the reservation webpage of a fictitious hotel company called Trillo, following the guide in the Udemy course "Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!" created by Jonas Schmedtmann.


Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • autoprefixer
  • concat
  • node-sass
  • npm-run-all
  • postcss-cli


Getting Started

You can clone this code anytime and load the HTML on your browser.

Live version


You can either copy the code with git clone or just do a git pull on your local environment. Since the sass files are already compiled to CSS doesn't need to do anything else.


Appreciate the teams at Udemy and the creator of the course Jonas Schmedtmann since allows me to learn a lot of CSS and Sass concepts and design principles that is pushing my software development career higher.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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