Weather website

An API that display the weather information of any city in the world by typing the name of the city in the input form, build with NodeJS runtime engine and various JavaScript libraries, following the guide in the Udemy course "The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)" created by Andrew Mead and Rob Percival.


Built With

  • Javascript
  • NodeJS
  • Weatherstack API

NPM packages:

  • express
  • handlebars
  • hbs
  • kind-of
  • minimist
  • request
  • require


Go to the top of the page, press te green button that says "Code", and copy the link. Then you have to go to your console and type

    git clone 'repository-link'

That's all, you are ready to go!


Run the following command to have all npm packages dependencies installed:

    npm install


To start the webpack-dev-server, run the following command:

    npm start

Live version

Author: Jose Abel Ramirez Frontany**


Appreciate the teams at Udemy and the creators of the course Andrew Mead and Rob Percival since allows me to learn a lot of NodeJS concepts and design principles that is pushing my software development career higher.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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