A code snippet that shows how to fully emulate a mobile device with Headless Chrom via node(match media queries included).
When playing around with headless browsers I come to the fact that it's hard to find a solution where I could completely emulate a mobile device due to match media not working properly.
Until now and there is not much documentation about Headless Chrome.
After some time struggling, I found a way to make Headless Chrome to respect match media queries.
This example completely emulates an iPhone6 Plus, making match media queries working properly.
width: viewport.width, //Set your device view port here
height: viewport.height,
deviceScaleFactor: 0,
mobile: true //Media queries will answer as if you are a mobile phone
Network.setUserAgentOverride({userAgent: 'USERAGENT'}); //Pass your device user agent
Install the node modules required to run this sript:
npm install chrome-remote-interface
npm install chrome-launcher
Run it with node:
node index.js
Many thanks to this tutorial for providing a simple way to use Headless Chrome.