Frontend Mentor - Room homepage solution

This is a solution to the Room homepage challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


This was a challenge provided on the Frontend Mentor website, this project consists of building a home page for e-commerce that will be fully responsive, with a slide show that the user can switch pictures using their mouse or keyboard.

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Navigate the slider using either their mouse/trackpad or keyboard





My process

Usually, I start by analyzing the design files and I define how I will structure the HTML and the best CSS properties I can use to make it happen.

After having everything structured in my head, sometimes I write in a google doc (when is a big project), then I jump to my code editor (VS code).

I always start by creating a repository in Github using the terminal, after that, I run the "npm init" to create a "package.json", then I install all the dependencies I will need, and when is all set, I create the HTML file, and inside of the "app folder" I create the Sass folder and the JavaScript folder with their containing files inside.

Having these all set, then I start writing the HTML structure for the all page, after I finish with the HTLM I link the CSS and JavaScript files and start styling the page right away. Usually, I use "Scss Sass extension" in all my projects, it makes things way easier to structure/organize and the workflow is much more fluid as well.

My workflow is always starting from the header, making it totally responsive, then I jump to the Hero Section, and so on.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup,
  • Sass (Scss) custom properties,
  • Flexbox,
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Mobile-first workflow,
  • Bootstrap - HTML, CSS & JS library

What I learned

It was a very good way to pratice a lot of things that I already knew, but I dont use often, such as:

  • Implementing a slide show in especific area of a section (using bootstrap),
  • Sass variables ans Mixins,
  • Changing images source depending on the window size (device size) using vanilla JavaScript,
  • Window event listener,
  • DOM Manipulation.
<div class="carousel-item active">
     class="d-block w-100"
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
  if (window.innerWidth > 1220) {
    carouselImages[0].src = './images/desktop-image-hero-1.jpg';
    carouselImages[1].src = './images/desktop-image-hero-2.jpg';
    carouselImages[2].src = './images/desktop-image-hero-3.jpg';
  } else if (window.innerWidth < 1220) {
    carouselImages[0].src = './images/mobile-image-hero-1.jpg';
    carouselImages[1].src = './images/mobile-image-hero-2.jpg';
    carouselImages[2].src = './images/mobile-image-hero-3.jpg';

Useful resources

  • Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow is always a great help on finding help.
  • W3School - W3School is one of the most websites I use to find help as well.
