
Challenge 04 from Bootcamp GoStack's Rocketseat School, which aims to continue developing an application to store reps from my portfolio, but now using the concepts learned in React Native.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📝 Description

The challenge React Native Concepts is the fourth challenge which has been done by me into Bootcamp GoStack's course from Rocketseat School, and its aims is to develop a mobile app to store reps in my portfolio, using the backend developed with Node.js in the second challenge and the front-end developed with ReactJS in the third challenge.

💻 Used Technologies

The challenge has been developed using the following technologies:

📁 Download

# Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/jose-renato-m/concepts-react-native

# Enter into the directory
$ cd concepts-react-native

# Install the dependencies
$ yarn

# Open other bash and go to concepts-nodejs' directory
$ cd concepts-nodejs

# Start the server
$ yarn dev

# Go back to the first opened bash and start the mobile
$ react-native run-android

Made with 💙 by José Renato Montagnana 👋🏻 Get in touch!