
Challenge #06 of Rocketseat School's Bootcamp GoStack, which aims to continue developing the transaction management's app which has been started in challenge #05, but now including the use of database with TypeORM and files' upload with Multer.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

📝 Description

This is the Challenge 06 of Bootcamp GoStack's course from Rocketseat School, and its aims is to continue developing the transaction management's app which has been started in Challenge 05, but this time including the use of database and files' upload.

💻 Used Technologies

The challenge has been developed using the following technologies:

📁 Download

# Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/jose-renato-m/database-upload

# Enter into the directory
$ cd database-upload

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Start the server
$ yarn dev:server

Obs.: for database building and development it has been used postgreSQL, using docker for database's upload and DBeaver for tables' visualization.

Made with 💙 by José Renato Montagnana 👋🏻 Get in touch!