CRBasic scripts to collect data using the maximum heat ratio method

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This depository includes all estimated tree and trunk/stem parameters used in the manuscript under review titled: Maximum heat ratio: bi-directional method for fast and slow sap flow measurements

This repository contains:

CRBasics (folder)

This folder contains the CRbasic programs used to collect data. All are old/discontinued versions. Overtime, we have developed better, more elaborate scripts that I intend to make publicly available

Data (folder)

This folder contains all processed/estimated data such as heat pulse velocity, sap flux density and all data associated to thermal properties

I am also making available all gravimetric data collected, in their original format


  • Sap flow method used: heat pulse velocity, heat ratio and maximum heat ratio
  • Thermal properties, used to estimated volumetric water content, were estimated via curve-fitting heat conduction-convectione equations (see manuscript for details)

Created by: Jose GL, March 23, 2021
Last update/edit: June 19, 2021