
This folder contains the result of discovering, parsing and analyzing the source of models,which are not included in this repo. The following folders are inside from_local_repository or from_github_repository. They contain the result of processing of local URIS models (those obtained through web crawling) and those obtained as a result of URIS from github.

  1. The folder output-processing contains separated by folders the aadl models found by the process of discovering, the xmi folder contains the parsing and instantiation of those models. Also it has the .json of the logs.
  2. The result.csv contains the output of the computations performed.
  3. The legends.csv contains the metrics computed by the processing.
  4. The config.json has the set of key-value pairs for the global config of the tool.
  5. The jupyter folder has the notebook for the data processing phase. The main_processing folder contains the images and .pdf and .html of the previous notebook.
  6. The scripts folder contains now the script for query the repository endpoint on github.