
Práctica del octavo módulo de la III edición del máster web de KeepCoding. Aplicación de gestión y creación de blogs, llamada Wordplease, creada con Django 2.0. API creada con Django Rest Framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Wordplease: yet another blogging platform

Development setup

  1. Install Python 3.5+ and create the dependencies file: pip freeze > requirements.txt
  2. Install requirements using: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Enter the folder where manage.py is located.
  4. Create database and apply migrations: python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate
  5. Run development server: python manage.py runserver

Using the API

All the users must have one and only one blog.

All the endpoints require authentication, except the GET requests to /api/1.0/blogs and to /api/1.0/posts.

How to register a user

A POST request must be done.


  "username": jose
  "email": jose@jose.com
  "first_name": José Ramón
  "last_name": Alonso
  "password": supersegura

How to get a user token

The user must be registered in the application and do a POST request


  "username": jose
  "password": supersegura

Getting the blogs list

The user needs not to be registered and must do a GET request


Getting posts

If the user is not registered or is the superuser all the posts will be shown.

If the user is registered only the posts from his blog should be shown.

GET http://localhost:8000/api/1.0/posts

Searching posts inside a blog


Ordering a user's posts

The query parameter order_by is used. Possible values are:

  • title, -title
  • publication_date, -publication_date

Example: http://localhost:8000/api/1.0/posts/?order_by=title

Creating a post

A POST request must be done to the url http://localhost:8000/api/1.0/posts/ with these two headers:

  • Content-Type: set to application/json
  • Authorization: set to token value

and these parameters in the body:

    "title": "Título del artículo",
    "image": "http://images/my_image.com",
    "summary": "Resumen",
    "body": "Contenido",
    "publication_date": "2017-12-02",
    "category":[1, 2]

How to retrieve a post detail

Non-authenticated users can see only published posts. Only the superuser and the author of that post can see a non-published post.

GET http://localhost:8000/api/1.0/posts/<id>

How to update a post detail

Only the superuser and the author of that post can perform this operation.

PUT http://localhost:8000/api/1.0/posts/<id>

How to delete a post detail

Only the superuser and the author of that post can perform this operation.

DELETE http://localhost:8000/api/1.0/posts/<id>