
A sample Spring Boot 3.0.0 app using the starter web-MVC package. Controller tests are included.

Primary LanguageJava



A sample Spring Boot 3.0.0 app using the starter modules Web-MVC and MongoDB. Tests are included.


  • There is one integration test.

  • The unit tests for the different layers will be added.

The Jackson library

  • Serialize ----> Conversion from Java object to String.

  • Deserialize --> Conversion from String to Java object.

The JsonProperty Annotation

It overwrites the Jackson naming strategy.

private UUID id;

The JsonFormat Annotation

@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.String)
private BigDecimal price;
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd", shape = JsonFormat.Shape.String)
private OffsetDateTime createdDate;

Spring Boot Actuator

It allows to monitor the application using HTTT endpoints and JMX.

The /info endpoint is not enabled by default.

The /health endpoint

The /beans endpoint is enabled by default. It shows all the beans registered in the app, including those auto configured by Spring Boot.

The /conditions endpoint shows the auto configuration report, categorised into positiveMatches and negativeMatches.

The /mappings endpoint shows all the @RequestMapping paths declared in the application.

The /configprops endpoint shows all the configuration properties defined by @ConfigurationProperties bean, including those defined in the application.properties file.

The /metrics endpoint shows various metrics about the app such as how much memory is used, the size of the heap or the number of threads used.

The /env endpoint shows all the properties from the Spring's ConfigurableEnvironment interface, such as a list of active profiles, application properties or system environment variables.

The /threaddumb endpoint shows the app's thread dumb with running threads details and JVM stack trace.

The /loggers endpoint allows to view and configure the log levels of the app at runtime.

The /shutdown endpoint can be used to gracefully shut down the application. Enable this endpoint:


and send a POST request with an empty body to the following endpoint
