** Capstone Project: Coding Fundamentals
Program Developed by: Jose Amesquita
- About the Project
- Description
- Known Bugs
- Scope
- Minimal-Viable Product
- Product Roadmap
- Specs
- Wireframe
- Getting Started
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Use
- Auxiliary
- Technology
- Contributors
- Contact
- License
- Acknowledgements
Coding Fundamentals: Create an appplication for students to learn how to code depending on their preference of programming language.
- No known bugs.
Expand Use Case
- Capability to add, update, and remove students (Full CRUD)
- Capability to add, update, and remove Programming Languages (Full CRUD)
User stories and specifications
Story 01 | |
User Story | As an Admin, I want to be able to add programming languages to the Registrar, so students can enrolled for the upcoming academic term. |
Behavior 01-A | User is able to browse the programming languages and select the course of their choice. |
Input | "Add a Programming Language Course" |
Output | Query the programming language courses that are offered |
Completion | False |
- Bootstrap
- Entity Framework Core
- C#
- Git
- MySQL Workbench
- Visual Studio Code
- Enter legacy password encryption
- Set password (change the password field in appsettings.json from repository to match your password)
- select finish
- Git Bash users: Open Terminal and enter the command echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
- Verify MySQL installation by opening Terminal and entering the command mysql -uroot -p{your password here, omitted brackets}. If you gain access to the MySQL command line, installation is complete. An error (e.g., -bash: mysql: command not found) indicates something went wrong.
- Understanding of Markdown and HTML languages
- Option 1: VisualStudioCode
- cd ~
- cd Desktop
- git clone https://github.com/joseamesquita/CapstoneProject.git
- cd CapstoneProject/UniversityRegistrar.Solution/UniversityRegistrar/
- dotnet restore
- dotnet build
- dotnet ef database update
- dotnet watch run OR dotnet run