My specialization is software development, but my real motivation is to solve people's problems using the power of IT.
@greenmilellc-org @TheAlgorithms Fortaleza
josecarlosweb's Followers
- idimetrix@elevanceit
- bianca-01
- mmertpolatPwC Turkey
- NeriShalemisrael
- edsonpatricioGreenMile LLC
- diramboraNairobi,Kenya
- fernandonogueira@Chili-Piper
- GabrielBarrosASUniversidade Federal do Ceará
- Sammy-coding@SpayHQ
- adaltojunior86@greenmilellc-org
- davidlpc1Dl_Creator
- PedroorFortaleza - CE
- GUIKAR741Chorozinho, Ceará, Brasil
- ismaelsousa
- tyagonunesFortaleza
- elfiserviceDescartes Systems Group
- otalandimZup IT Innovation
- otaviopiresBrazil
- osmarvcneto
- samuelsilvadev@amplemarket
- thealessandro@5ETech
- samuelpsouza@greenmilellc-org
- psNobreUniversidade Federal do Ceará
- carlosdelfino@ArvoreDosSaberes