
This is a simple Docker image created to execute a ruby on rails project that uses mysql as database

Primary LanguageShell

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Using josechagas/rbenv-ruby-rails as base image this one was created to execute one ruby on rails application that uses Mysql as database. This image automatically call the most commom methods necessary to run a ruby on rails application, so basically all you need to do is create the container.

It's important to inform that this image do not has mysql database installed.

This image contains:

  • base image: josechagas/rbenv-ruby-rails
  • mysql-client
  • libmysqlclient-dev


As I mentioned before this image does not have Mysql database installed, so before creating the container you need to have a container with mysql database

- Container with Mysql:

You can use any image of Mysql you prefer, but I advise you to use the official mysql image.

  • Create the container choosing:
  • a hostname, -h [hostname] option on docker run
  • the root password
  • and a the name of container (It's optionally, but you will need to remember the name after)

- Using the official mysql image do:

 docker run --name [container_name] \
       -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=[my-secret-pw] \
       -d \ 
       -v /[choose a directory]:/var/lib/mysql \
       -h [choose a hostname]  mysql
  • Add a new user: This user is going to be used by your ruby on rails application to access the database

  • Access the mysql console, using the root password choosed before:

   docker exec -it [container name or id] mysql -p
  • Create the new user: Do any kind of modification you fell necessary
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘[user_name]’@‘%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘[user_password]’;
more informations take a look on [mysql documentation](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/adding-users.html)

- Configuring my Ruby on Rails Project

  • Informing the mysql user info and hostname to ruby on rails project Open database.yml file on config directory of your project and add the informations
  username: [user_name]
  password: [user_password]
  host: [the database container hostname or ip address]

more informations take a look on ruby on rails documentation

- Creating the Container:

  • Do not forget to take a look on josechagas/rbenv-ruby-rails repository to take some important informations, like how to easily update the base image components.

  • Default docker run

 docker run -p 3000:3000 -t -a STDOUT \
   --name [choose a name] \ 
   --link [mysql container name]:[some nickname] \ 
   -v /[project directory on host]:/webApp \ 
  • Overriding the Workdir:
 docker run -p 3000:3000 -t -a STDOUT \
   --name [choose a name] \ 
   --link [mysql container name]:[some nickname] \
   -w [new workdir] \
   -v /[project directory on host]:[new workdir] \
  • Overriding the Entrypoint:
 docker run -p 3000:3000 -t -a STDOUT \
   --name [choose a name] \ 
   --entrypoint [some method , like bundle install]
   --link [mysql container name]:[some nickname] \ 
   -v /[project directory on host]:/webApp \ 
  • Executing with a specific ruby version:
docker run -e RBENV_VERSION=[some ruby version] -p 3000:3000 \
   -t -a STDOUT --name [choose a name] \
   --link [mysql container name]:[some nickname]  \
   -v /[project directory on host]:/webApp  \

RBENV_VERSION is a environment variable created by rbenv package installed in josechagas/rbenv-ruby-rails base image, It's important to know that the version you want rbenv recognizes. If you want to see the valid versions call it:

rbenv install --list

- About entrypoint script

Located at /root this shell script exists to execute all necessary things to automate the execution of your project

  • To see the content of this file you have some options, for example:
  • Take a look on GitHub repository ruby-rails_mysql-client
  • execute the script inside the created container:
    apt-get install -y nano
    nano /root/entrypoint.sh