Developing Data Products - Slidify Presentation


  1. 5 slides to pitch the idea done in Slidify or Rstudio Presenter
  2. Presentation pushed to github or Rpubs
  3. A link to github or Rpubs presentation pasted into the text box below


  • It must be done in Slidify or Rstudio Presenter
  • It must be 5 pages
  • It must be hosted on github or Rpubs
  • It must contained some embedded R code that gets run when slidifying the document


Notice to publish your slidify presentation to github or Rpubs, there's the publish command. This link outlines how to do it (it's one line).

Rstudio presenter has a button to publish directly to Rpubs If you are using Rpubs, put in the link to the presentation into the submission box as a http:// link not a https:// link.

You can also publish using both formats to github manually using gh-pages, though your github branch must have a .nojekyll fle and be on a branch names gh-pages. There's more on gh-pages here and there is a video lecture outlining how to do this.