
Simple note taking app with Fast API

Primary LanguagePython

NOTE-APP for Demo

A simple note taking app built with FastAPI and Beanie ODM


This simple app provides a basic note API on top of a MongoDB store with the following features:

  • Registration
  • JWT auth login
  • Note model CRUD
  • List Note by Tag
  • Mock logout


The libraries are used to build the features:

  • FastAPI - Python async micro framework built on Starlette and PyDantic
  • Beanie ODM - Async MongoDB object-document mapper built on PyDantic

Tech Stack

The components below are applied in the application architectures:

Setup for MongoDB

  1. Setup MongoDB Atlas database
  2. Setup custom role with all collection actions on notes and users collection, then assign to anew database user.
  3. Configure IP whitelisting at Network Access from left panel.

Setup for Docker

Create .env in root directory with format below for running with Docker:

# APP Settings
HOST=<replace with host name, default for running in local>
PORT=<replace with target port, default 8000 for running in local>
DEBUG_MODE=<indicate if the app running in development or debug mode, default True>

#Database Settings
DB_HOST=<replace with mongodb host name>
DB_USER=<replace with mongodb database username>
DB_PASSWORD=<replace with mongodb database password>
DB_NAME=<replace with mongodb database name>
DB_SOCKET_TIMEOUT=<input timeput in miliseconds>
DB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=<input timeput in miliseconds>

# Auth
JWT_SECRET=<Replace with random hash values>
JWT_EXPIRY=<input timeput in seconds, default to 600>

REDIS_HOST=<replace with redis host name or ip. Defaulto to redis if running in Docker>
REDIS_PASSWORD=<replace with redis password. The password will configure into redis server>

Run as Docker

The app is built with container in mind.
To build and run the app, simpliy run command below from root directory:

docker-compose up --build -d 

Once the containers are running, access app via http://localhost/docs

Setup for minikube

  1. Enable minikube-ingress
  2. Create a new namespace sandbox in minikube.
  3. Create Kubernetes secret manifest to store sensitive credentials for running with minikube:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: note-secret
  namespace: sandbox
type: Opaque
  DB_HOST: <replace with mongodb host name>
  DB_USER: <replace with mongodb database username>
  DB_PASSWORD: <replace with mongodb database password>
  DB_NAME: <replace with mongodb database name>
  JWT_SECRET: <Replace with random hash values>
  1. Run command kubectl apply -f secret.yaml to create secret/
  2. Run command eval $(minikube docker-env) to active minikube docker environment.
  3. Build the image using minikube image to build and load the image locally:
minikube image build -t josecw/note-api note-api/
  1. Deploy manifests:
kubectl apply -f release/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f release/ingress.yaml
  1. Edit /etc/hosts/ or host file to include localhost or as my-note-app.com
  2. Open another terminal and run minikube tunnel
  3. Now test the ingress is working curl my-note-app.com should see {"message":"Note-App is live"}
  4. The app is officially running. Go to http://my-note-app.com/docs for documentation

Run in K8S

As pipeline is not available in the repo, please follow the steps in Setup to configure kubernetes deployment


Run the following command for test: (Setup python environment before run test)

cd note-api
pytest -c pytest.ini