
Android Kotlin project that calls and displays a list of employees data using retrofit, hilt, coroutines, MVVM, clean architecture, Live data, Flow and more

Primary LanguageKotlin

Build tools & versions used

Steps to run the app

1.- Open the app using android studio 2.- Sync project with Gradle files (make sure to have internet connection) 3.- Ready to go

What areas of the app did you focus on?

Keep layers separated from each other (data - domain - view)

What was the reason for your focus? What problems were you trying to solve?

Makes the project more maintainable, flexible and testable. Easier to work with projects like this even if those are big project and have many changes.

How long did you spend on this project?

Around 6-7 hours

Did you make any trade-offs for this project? What would you have done differently with more time?

1.- Unit testing 2.- Import all string, dimensions and color resources 3.- Improve UI

What do you think is the weakest part of your project?

I think it could be improved dependency injection

Did you copy any code or dependencies? Please make sure to attribute them here!

  • Mapper
  • Response sealed class
  • EmployeeDbModule - Hilt

Is there any other information you’d like us to know?

In case you are not able to run the project, I left a build apk in the builds folder