
Simple firmware for INA219 measurement unit with Arduino and LCD

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Simple firmware for INA219 measurement unit with Arduino and LCD

  • INA219 breakout, i2c
  • 16x2 LCD, i2c
  • 2 buttons
  • controlled by attiny85

Uses PlatformIO as build platform.


  • Uses TinyWire as i2c implementation. There are modified libraries for INA219 and LCD communicatin included in the repository since they had to be modified in order to work with TinyWire.
  • Attiny85 should be using 16Mhz internal oscillator
  • More informatio can be found in a blog post, schematic is available on EasyEDA.


MIT, see LICENSE. This repository also contains modified copies and libraries (see lib directory) which have their own licences.