
Test Project with Spring Boot and JPA

Primary LanguageJava


METHOD URI Description Request Body
GET rest/cities Returns a list of all cities stored on the system
GET rest/cities?country=foo Look for cities that belongs to the country foo or that the country's name contains with foo
GET rest/countries Returns a list of all countries on the system
POST rest/cities Store a list of cities [ {"name" : "Foo"}, {"name" : "Bar"}]
POST rest/countries Store a list of cities [ {"name" : "Foo", "country": { "id" : 1 } }, {"name" : "Bar", "country" : {"id": 2}}]

Execute the project

After you build the project, run the following command into your terminal:

java -jar target/spring-jpa-rest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

After that, you'll have a process running on port 8090. Open a client and access the following address:
