IMPORTANT: Snippet Essentials has evolved into Snippetica.
- Snippetica is virtually the next version of Snippet Essentials.
- Snippetica supports more languages and it has better documentation.
- Snippetica is available for Visual Studio 2017.
- Snippet Essentials is an ultimate collection of 700+ snippets for C#.
- Snippet Essentials is distributed as Visual Studio Extension.
Title | Shortcut |
Default keyword | d |
Object keyword | o |
Override keyword | xo |
Private keyword | xp |
Public keyword | x |
Return keyword | r |
Static keyword | xs |
String keyword | s |
Title | Shortcut |
Conditional operator | co |
Explicit cast operator | t |
Nameof operator | no |
Typeof operator | to |
Title | Shortcut |
#if #else preprocessor directives | ppife |
#if preprocessor directive | ppif |
Title | Shortcut |
Xml comment for a class constructor | xccc |
Xml comment for property | xcp |
Xml comment for read-only property | xcrp |
Snippets are installed to the following directory: \AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION\Extensions\EXTENSION_FOLDER