
frame-one-layer.dxf still assumes 8mm rods

misan opened this issue · 6 comments

It is my understanding that frame slots for threaded rods need to be updated to 10.2mm as currently they are 8.2mm wide.

Everything in the single_plate/ directory uses M8 rods for now.

I do not think so, as from y-corners.scad

// Middle hole
translate([11,0,20]) rotate([0,0,90]) rotate([0,90,0]) translate([0,0,-5]) cylinder(h = 270, r=5.4, $fn=30);

Oh, I missed that change in scad. I'll leave the handling of this issue to Josef.

A few days ago Josef confirmed me that change on the IRC.

Okay, new DXF is available as of 073f01c

Awesome. Thanks a lot Alex!