
Scrabble Library + Test

Primary LanguageSwift


Scrabble Library + Test

This is a library meant to help in scoring a given word with some rules.

This project contains:

Extension Character, this is used to get the number of points of a character. Scrabble struct, is used to perform the calculations that score a word.


You can use it in two different ways:

  1. By struct initializer & accessing to it's variable score:
  1. By static method score:

Both of this ways returns an Int with the current score.

This project also is ready to Unit Tesing

You can execute the allTests by using the following command on the command line at the root of the .xcodeproj:

Execute the following command if swift project has not been initialized before: swift package init --type library

To perform allTests execute: swift test

Or by XCode by changing the scheme to ScrabbleScoreTests then hitting the play button inside the ScrabbleScoreTests.swiftfile next to its class name.