

The app consists of the following main components:

HomePage: The main screen of the app, where users can explore different coffee types and select their favorites.


The HomePage class is a stateful widget that displays a scaffold containing the app's main layout. Here's an overview of the key elements:

AppBar: A customizable app bar that includes a menu button and a user profile icon.
BottomNavigationBar: Navigation bar at the bottom of the screen with icons for home, favorites, and notifications.
Search Bar: Allows users to search for specific coffee types.
Coffee Types: Horizontal list view of coffee types, built using a ListView.builder widget for dynamic rendering.
Coffee Tiles: Vertical list view of detailed information about each coffee type, including images, names, and prices.


The ListView.builder widget is used to efficiently create lists with a large number of children. It creates children on demand and is suitable for long lists that may not fit entirely on the screen. In the HomePage, we use ListView.builder for both the horizontal list of coffee types and the vertical list of coffee tiles..