
A CakePHP plugin which allows you to authenticate using social providers like Facebook/Google/Twitter.

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CakePHP SocialAuth Plugin

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A CakePHP plugin which allows you authenticate using social providers like Facebook/Google/Twitter etc. using SocialConnect/auth social sign on library.


  • CakePHP 3.4+.



composer require admad/cakephp-social-auth


Load the plugin by running following command in terminal:

bin/cake plugin load ADmad/SocialAuth -b -r

or by manually adding following line to your app's config/bootstrap.php:

Plugin::load('ADmad/SocialAuth', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);


The plugin expects that you have a users table with at least email field and a social_profiles table. You can run

bin/cake migrations migrate -p ADmad/SocialAuth

to generate the social_profiles tabel using a migration file provided with the plugin.


The plugin provides a SocialAuthMiddleware which handles authentication process. You can configure the middleware in your Application::middleware() method as shown:

$middleware->add(new SocialAuthMiddleware([
    // Request method type use to initiate authentication.
    'requestMethod' => 'POST',
    // URL string or array to redirect to after authentication.
    'loginRedirect' => '/',
    // Boolean indicating user identity should be returned as entity.
    'userEntity' => false,
    // User model.
    'userModel' => 'Users',
    // Finder type.
    'finder' => 'all',
    // Fields.
    'fields' => [
        'email' => 'email',
        'password' => 'password'
    // Session key to which to write identity record to.
    'sessionKey' => 'Auth.User',
    // The methods in user model which should be called in case of new user.
    // It should return a User entity.
    'newUserCallback' => 'newUser',
    // SocialConnect Auth service's providers config. https://github.com/SocialConnect/auth/blob/master/README.md
    'serviceConfig' => [
        'provider' => [
            'facebook' => [
                'applicationId' => '<application id>',
                'applicationSecret' => '<application secret>',
                'scope' => [

On your login page you can create links to initiate authentication using required providers.

echo $this->Form->postLink(
    'Login with Facebook',
        'plugin' => 'ADmad/SocialAuth',
        'controller' => 'Auth',
        'action' => 'login',
        'provider' => 'facebook'

We use a POST link here instead of a normal link to prevent search bots and other crawlers from following the link. (Adding "nofollow" attribute to link doesn't suffice as it's often ignored by bots/crawlers.) If you prefer using GET you can still do so by configuring the middleware with 'requestMethod' => 'GET'.

Once a user is authenticated through the provider the authenticator gets the user profile from the identity provider and using that tries to find the corresponding user record using the user model. If no user is found it calls the newUser method of your user model. The method recieves social profile model entity as argument and return an entity for the new user. E.g.

// UsersTable.php

public function createUser(EntityInterface $profile) {
    // Make sure here that all the required fields are actually present
    if (empty($profile->email)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Could not find email in social profile.');

    $user = $this->newEntity(['email' => $profile->email]);
    $user = $this->save($user);

    if (!$user) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to save new user');

    return $user;


Copyright 2017 ADmad
