
github-backed ssh authentication with automatic session recording

Primary LanguagePython


[PROOF OF CONCEPT] Github-based session authorization with session recording via asciinema.



apt-add-repository -y ppa:zanchey/asciinema
apt-get update > /dev/null
apt-get -y install asciinema 
asciinema auth


curl -o /tmp/forego-stable-linux-amd64.tgz https://bin.equinox.io/c/ekMN3bCZFUn/forego-stable-linux-amd64.tgz | tar zxC /usr/local/bin


wget -qO - https://github.com/gliderlabs/sshfront/releases/download/v0.2.1/sshfront_0.2.1_$(uname -sm|tr \  _).tgz | tar zxC /usr/local/bin
apt-get -y install libssl-dev python-dev python-cryptography python-pip python-virtualenv
virtualenv /usr/local/virtualenv/sshfront-handler
source /usr/local/virtualenv/sshfront-handler/bin/activate
pip install github3.py watchdog

write the auth-handler to /usr/local/bin/auth-handler and make it executable write the ssh-handler to /usr/local/bin/ssh-handler and make it executable


sshfront: sshfront -a=/usr/local/bin/auth-handler -p=2222 /usr/local/bin/ssh-handler
watchmedo: watchmedo shell-command --pattern="*.log" --drop --ignore-directories --recursive --wait --command='if test "${watch_event_type}" = "modified"; then sleep 1; asciinema upload "${watch_src_path}"; fi' /var/log/asciinema


  • asciinema:
    • command: asciinema auth
    • file: ~/.config/asciinema/config
    • description: run the command, which will create a file that contains a token. The output will be a url you must visit to approve a token. This file can be templated out if necessary via configuration management.
    • example:
      token = ASCIINEMA_TOKEN
  • auth-handler:
    • command: N/A
    • file: ~/.config/auth-handler/config
    • description: Contains an auth-handler section, with an org, comma-delimitedlist of teams, and a token for a user within the organization
    • example:
      org = github
      teams = developers,operations
      token = GITHUB_TOKEN


Start everything locally

forego run

And then try to ssh to your server


This repository will guide you through running a programmable ssh server called sshfront. Upon any ssh attempt, sshfront will invoke an auth-handler with the username and keyfile_contents as arguments. The auth-handler is written in python, and will attempt to use the github api in order to:

  • retrieve the configured github organization's teams
  • retrieves the teams that are whitelisted for SSH access
  • check to see if the username matches a user within those teams
  • exit 0 if there is a matching user in that team who has an ssh key matching keyfile_contents

On failure, the connection will be aborted.

On success, the handler will be invoked, which is a thin wrapper around invoking asciinema. asciinema will be configured to write ssh output to a file in /var/log/asciinema. This happens on exit, and otherwise the session is kept in memory with asciinema. The entire session is just a normal bash session that the user is free to do whatever they like in.

Outside of sshfront, we also run a watchmedo watcher. The watchmedo binary comes from the watchdog python package. This lets us run an arbitrary handler whenever a file is created, updated, or deleted. In our case, we run a handler to upload the asciinema video when it is updated (created is too early as it is zero-length then). We can't do this via a trap or other trick in the ssh-handler as ssh connections may be violently torn down.


The demo is run as root, so all ssh sessions will be given root. This may be mitigated by running the ssh session as another user.

Neither sshfront nor asciinema have been audited for security errors. If you run them, it may be possible to break out or privilege escalate.

Future Enhancements

  • Create a disconnected-handler for auto-uploading asciinema casts instead of having a separate command.
  • If the above isn't possible, use a programmable watcher written in golang like reflex.
  • Rewrite auth-handler in golang and distribute as a binary. Or rewrite in bash with only python as a dependency for json parsing.
  • Bundling auth-handler and ssh-handler - via go-basher - with sshfront as a single binary.
  • Use short-lived cache for calls to the github api, especially for retrieving the initial organization/teams.
  • Better logging.