
Simple secret management tool for server configuration

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Simple secret management tool for server configuration

Codeship Status for agilebits/sm

How to build

go get -u -v github.com/agilebits/sm
cd ~/go/src/github.com/agilebits/sm
go install

Encrypt/decrypt data on development machines

cat app-config.yml | sm encrypt > app-config.sm
cat app-config.sm | sm decrypt

On the first run, the utility will generate a new master key and store it in ~/.sm/masterkey file. The masterkey must be saved and copied across all developer machines.

Encrypt/decrypt data with Amazon Web Service KMS

First, you have to create a master key using AWS IAM and give yourself permissions to use this key for encryption and decryption.

export AWS_REGION='us-east-1'
export KMS_KEY_ID='arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123123123123:key/d845cfa3-0719-4631-1d00-10ab63e40ddf'

# encrypt the file and pipe stdout to a file
cat app-config.yml | sm encrypt \
	--env aws \
	--region $AWS_REGION \
	--master $KMS_KEY_ID \
	> app-config.sm

# encrypt the file and write the output to a file
# if you have a `.sm/manifest` file, we will add an
# unencrypted path to the output file to this file
# as well as your gitignore
cat app-config.yml | sm encrypt \
  --env aws \
  --region $AWS_REGION \
  --master $KMS_KEY_ID \
  --out app-config.sm

# encrypt the file using settings from a configuration file
cat app-config.yml | sm encrypt \
  --config config.yml
  --out app-config.sm

# decrypt the file specified via stdin
cat app-config.sm | sm decrypt

# decrypt the file speified via flag
sm decrypt --input app-config.sm

# decrypt the file and write the output to a file
cat app-config.sm | sm decrypt --out app-config.yml

# decrypting all files you have specified in your .sm/manifest
sm decrypt-all

# re-encrypting all files specified in your .sm/manifest that have
# changed since the last encryption pass
sm encrypt-all

# shred all decrypted files based on your .sm/manifest
# ensuring you do not have secrets in plaintext on disk
sm shred

Use jq to validate JSON files

For example:

export AWS_REGION=us-east-1

jq --compact-output . < config.json | sm encrypt \
        --env aws \
        --region $AWS_REGION \
        --master $KMS_KEY_ID \
        > config.sm

sm decrypt < config.sm | jq

Using with GIT

You can integrate SM with git diff by adding the following in your repository's .gitattributes file:

*.sm diff=sm

The above change assumes that all encrypted files will have the ending .sm. It can be safely committed if that is the case.

Developers will also need to add the following stanza to their .git/config file - either globally or on a per-repository basis:

[diff "sm"]
    textconv = sm decrypt --input