Bit of the Splunk 2015 Conference talk and example demo.
This ansible package expectes your servers to be ubuntu base OS. The splunk binaries currently set are Splunk 6.2 located under
cd /opt
git clone git:// --recursive
cd /etc/ansible
vim hosts #add your hosts
source /opt/ansible/hacking/env-setup
ansible-playbook playbooks/common.yml --list-tasks
- Ansible is installed, see above
- Make sure you generate your own set of splunk-admin keys for the splunk-admin user. I have included some as an example but I recommend you to generate your own using:
- You have root keys copied over to the server you can use
# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ remote-host
or run ansible for the first time with-k
and it will prompt for the root password and copy the root key over. - Inventory is configured under
username: admin password: conf2015
change at playbooks/splunk\_creds/passwd
The cert/key pair deployed are in the same folder. Although I highly recommend you generate your own keypairs
- add checking script at
on search head as hourly cron job - configure .gitconfig with use and email to use for checking extra/gitconfig.example
- generate a key pair on the server
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- add public key
cat /root/.ssh/
to search header branch