
Typescript package implementing the JSON version of the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP).

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Typescript package implementing the JSON version of the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). Currently OCPP 1.6 is supported.

Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP, http://www.openchargealliance.org/) is a communication protocol between multiple charging stations ("charge points") and a single management software ("central system").


npm i ocpp-ts


Central System

import {
  OcppServer, OcppClientConnection, BootNotificationRequest, BootNotificationResponse,
} from 'ocpp-ts';

const centralSystemSimple = new OcppServer();
centralSystemSimple.on('connection', (client: OcppClientConnection) => {
  console.log(`Client ${client.getCpId()} connected`);
  client.on('close', (code: number, reason: Buffer) => {
    console.log(`Client ${client.getCpId()} closed connection`, code, reason.toString());

  client.on('BootNotification', (request: BootNotificationRequest, cb: (response: BootNotificationResponse) => void) => {
    const response: BootNotificationResponse = {
      status: 'Accepted',
      currentTime: new Date().toISOString(),
      interval: 60,

Charging Point

import {
  OcppClient, OcppError,
} from 'ocpp-ts';

const chargingPointSimple = new OcppClient('CP1111');
chargingPointSimple.on('error', (err: Error) => {
chargingPointSimple.on('close', () => {
  console.log('Connection closed');

chargingPointSimple.on('connect', async () => {
  const boot: BootNotificationRequest = {
    chargePointVendor: 'eParking',
    chargePointModel: 'NECU-T2',

  try {
    const bootResp: BootNotificationResponse = await chargingPointSimple.callRequest('BootNotification', boot);
    if (bootResp.status === 'Accepted') {
      console.log('Bootnotification accepted');
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Error || e instanceof OcppError) {


Add required certificates for Central System, note from OCPP protocol:

As some Charge Point implementations are using embedded systems with limited computing resources, we impose an additional restriction on the TLS configuration on the server side:

  • The TLS certificate SHALL be an RSA certificate with a size no greater than 2048 bytes
centralSystemSimple.on('authorization', (cbId: string, req: IncomingMessage, cb: (err?: Error) => void) => {
  console.log('authorization', cbId, req.headers.authorization);
  // validate authorization header
  // cb(new Error('Unathorized')); // Deny
  cb(); // Accept
centralSystemSimple.listen(9220, {
  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem'),
  key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),

If the central system requires authorization, an authorization header can be placed as the second parameter.

chargingPointSimple.connect('wss://eparking.fi/ocpp/', {
  Authorization: getBasicAuth(),