
Hotspot with SVE

Primary LanguageC++

# Hotspot Benchmark

## Make options

compile_host - compiles to run locally
compile_gem5 - compiles to run in gem5

run_host - runs locally
run_gem5 - runs in gem5

## Specific make/compiler flags

To compile for SVE, add `SVE=1`

To time all functions in the benchmark, compile with `TIME=1`

## Makefile variables
S: input matrix size (size x size)
I: number of iterations
CPU: choose between A7/A15 CPU models

## Executable usage

Usage: ./hotspot <grid_rows> <grid_cols> <sim_time> <no. of threads> <temp_file> <power_file>
        <grid_rows>  		- number of rows in the grid (positive integer)
        <grid_cols>  		- number of columns in the grid (positive integer)
        <sim_time>   		- number of iterations
        <no. of threads>        - number of threads
        <temp_file>  		- name of the file containing the initial temperature values of each cell
        <power_file> 		- name of the file containing the dissipated power values of each cell

## Misc

To find the value of a makefile variable, type `make print-VARIABLE`