
A cheatsheet for the Elixir powered Phoenix framework

Phoenix Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for the Elixir based Phoenix framework because sometimes going through lots of documentation can be a little painful.

Creating a new project

$ mix phoenix.new [name] [args]

The following arguments are available to pass when setting up your project:

--no-brunch Don’t install brunch, useful if you are building an API or don’t require any front end.

Adding Hex packages and managing your applications dependencies

$ mix deps.get Installs any required hex packages

$ mix deps.update --all Updates the installed versions of any hex packages


$ mix phoenix.gen.html Post posts title:string body:text Generates a resource

$ mix phoenix.gen.json Post posts title:string body:text Generates a JSON resource, useful if you are developing an API

$ mix phoenix.gen.channel Room rooms Generates a channel

$ mix phoenix.gen.model Post posts title:string body:text Generates a model and an associated migration

$ mix ecto.gen.migration add_posts_table Generates a migration file

Running migrations

$ mix ecto.create Creates the required databases ready for any migrations to be run

$ mix ecto.migrate Run your applications migrations

$ mix ecto.reset Drop the database and run all migrations

$ mix ecto.drop Drop the database

You can run any of the Ecto commands for a specific environment by setting MIX_ENV before your command like in the example below.

$ MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.reset