
CCX notification writer service

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CCX notification writer service


The main task for this service is to listen to configured Kafka topic, consume all messages from such topic, and write OCP results (in JSON format) with additional information (like organization ID, cluster name, Kafka offset etc.) into database table named new_reports. Multiple reports can be consumed and written into the database for the same cluster, because the primary (compound) key for new_reports table is set to the combination (org_id, cluster, updated_at). When some message does not conform to expected schema (for example if org_id is missing), such message is dropped and the error is stored into log.

Additionally this service exposes several metrics about consumed and processed messages. These metrics can be aggregated by Prometheus and displayed by Grafana tools.


Use make build to build executable file with this service.

All Makefile targets:

Usage: make <OPTIONS> ... <TARGETS>

Available targets are:

clean                Run go clean
build                Keep this rule for compatibility
fmt                  Run go fmt -w for all sources
lint                 Run golint
vet                  Run go vet. Report likely mistakes in source code
cyclo                Run gocyclo
ineffassign          Run ineffassign checker
shellcheck           Run shellcheck
errcheck             Run errcheck
goconst              Run goconst checker
gosec                Run gosec checker
abcgo                Run ABC metrics checker
json-check           Check all JSONs for basic syntax
style                Run all the formatting related commands (fmt, vet, lint, cyclo) + check shell scripts
run                  Build the project and executes the binary
test                 Run the unit tests
bdd_tests            Run BDD tests
before_commit        Checks done before commit
help                 Show this help screen


        show authors
        check connection to Kafka
        perform database cleanup
        drop all tables from database
        perform database initialization
        initialize migration
  -max-age string
        max age for displaying/cleaning old records
        perform new reports clean up
        perform old reports clean up
        print new reports to be cleaned up
        print old reports to be cleaned up
        show configuration
        show version

Starting the service

In order to start the service, just ./ccx-notification-writer is needed to be called from CLI.

Cleanup old records

It is possible to cleanup old records from new_reports and reported tables. To do it, use the following CLI options:

./ccx-notification-writer -old-reports-cleanup --max-age="30 days"


./ccx-notification-writer -new-reports-cleanup --max-age="30 days"

Additionally it is possible to just display old reports without touching the database tables:

./ccx-notification-writer -print-old-reports-for-cleanup --max-age="30 days"


./ccx-notification-writer -print-new-reports-for-cleanup --max-age="30 days"


Exposed metrics

  • notification_writer_check_last_checked_timestamp
    • The total number of messages with last checked timestamp
  • notification_writer_check_schema_version
    • The total number of messages with successfull schema check
  • notification_writer_consumed_messages
    • The total number of messages consumed from Kafka
  • notification_writer_consuming_errors
    • The total number of errors during consuming messages from Kafka
  • notification_writer_marshal_report
    • The total number of marshaled reports
  • notification_writer_parse_incoming_message
    • The total number of parsed messages
  • notification_writer_shrink_report
    • The total number of shrunk reports
  • notification_writer_stored_messages
    • The total number of messages stored into database
  • notification_writer_stored_bytes
    • The total number of bytes stored into database

Retriewing metrics

curl localhost:8080/metrics | grep ^notification_writer


PostgreSQL database is used as a storage.

Please look at detailed schema description for more details about tables, indexes, and keys.

Check PostgreSQL status

service postgresql status

Start PostgreSQL database

sudo service postgresql start

Login into the database

psql --user postgres

List all databases:


Select the right database:

\c notification

List of tables:


               List of relations
 Schema |        Name        | Type  |  Owner
 public | new_reports        | table | postgres
 public | notification_types | table | postgres
 public | reported           | table | postgres
 public | states             | table | postgres
 public | migration_info     | table | postgres
(4 rows)

Database schema

Table migration_info

This table contains information about the latest DB schema and migration status.

 Column  |  Type   | Modifiers
 version | integer | not null

Table new_reports

This table contains new reports consumed from Kafka topic and stored to database in shrunk format (some attributes are removed).

   Column     |            Type             | Modifiers
 org_id       | integer                     | not null
 account_id   | integer                     | not null
 cluster      | character(36)               | not null
 report       | character varying           | not null
 updated_at   | timestamp without time zone | not null
 kafka_offset | bigint                      | not null default 0
    "new_reports_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (org_id, cluster, updated_at)
    "new_reports_cluster_idx" btree (cluster)
    "new_reports_org_id_idx" btree (org_id)
    "new_reports_updated_at_asc_idx" btree (updated_at)
    "new_reports_updated_at_desc_idx" btree (updated_at DESC)
    "report_kafka_offset_btree_idx" btree (kafka_offset)
    "report_kafka_offset_btree_idx" btree (kafka_offset)

Table reported

Information of notifications reported to user or skipped due to some conditions.

      Column       |            Type             | Modifiers
 org_id            | integer                     | not null
 account_id        | integer                     | not null
 cluster           | character(36)               | not null
 notification_type | integer                     | not null
 state             | integer                     | not null
 report            | character varying           | not null
 updated_at        | timestamp without time zone | not null
 notified_at       | timestamp without time zone | not null
 error_log         | character varying           | 

    "reported_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (org_id, cluster)
    "notified_at_desc_idx" btree (notified_at DESC)
    "updated_at_desc_idx" btree (updated_at)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fk_notification_type" FOREIGN KEY (notification_type) REFERENCES notification_types(id)
    "fk_state" FOREIGN KEY (state) REFERENCES states(id)

Table notification_types

This table contains list of all notification types used by Notification service. Frequency can be specified as in crontab - https://crontab.guru/

  Column   |       Type        | Modifiers
 id        | integer           | not null
 value     | character varying | not null
 frequency | character varying | not null
 comment   | character varying |
    "notification_types_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "notification_types_id_idx" btree (id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "reported" CONSTRAINT "fk_notification_type" FOREIGN KEY (notification_type) REFERENCES notification_types(id)

Currently the following values are stored in this read-only table:

 id |  value  |  frequency  |               comment                
  1 | instant | * * * * * * | instant notifications performed ASAP
  2 | instant | @weekly     | weekly summary
(2 rows)

Table states

This table contains states for each row stored in reported table. User can be notified about the report, report can be skipped if the same as previous, skipped becuase of lower pripority, or can be in error state.

 Column  |       Type        | Modifiers
 id      | integer           | not null
 value   | character varying | not null
 comment | character varying |
    "states_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "reported" CONSTRAINT "fk_state" FOREIGN KEY (state) REFERENCES states(id)

Currently the following values are stored in this read-only table:

 id | value |                   comment                   
  1 | sent  | notification has been sent to user
  2 | same  | skipped, report is the same as previous one
  3 | lower | skipped, all issues has low priority
  4 | error | notification delivery error
(4 rows)

Schema description

DB schema description can be generated by generate_db_schema_doc.sh script. Output is written into directory docs/db-description/. Its content can be viewed at this address.

Package manifest

Package manifest is available at docs/manifest.txt.