
Full-Stack Web Application. Built with Django Rest Framework, Vue.js, Bulma, and Stripe API.

Primary LanguageVue


High Level Design

Retail Delivery Startupp. Built with Django Rest Framework, Vue.js, Bulma, and Stripe API.


1. First Part

  1.1 Abstract

  1.2 Acronyms

  1.3 Goals

  1.4 Stakeholders

  1.5 Assumptions

  1.6 Limitations & Unknowns

  1.7 Supported use-cases

  1.8 Out of Scope

2. Proposal

  2.0 Architecture

  2.1 Architecture Diagram C4

  2.2 Stripe Integration

1. First Part

1.1 Abstract

This project aims to replicate the functionality of startups such as Justo or JOKR. It is a platform I created to learn how to develop full-stack projects.

1.2 Acronyms

  • DRF: Django Rest Framework
  • DB: Database
  • API: Application Programming Interface

1.3 Goals

Provide a system architecture that allows users to make online grocery purchases. Additionally, this project targets the open-source software development community

1.4 Stakeholders

  • Project Owner: Jose Luis Tello
  • Open-source community: Anyone interested in copying, manipulating and reproducing this software for learning purposes.

1.5 Assumptions

  • Products are separated by category
  • Each category represents a set of related products
  • Django Rest Framework was chosen to create the Rest API used in the backend
  • Continuous integration with Stripe

1.6 Limitations & Unknowns

  • The currency selected is USD
  • Stripe Support

1.7 Supported use-cases

  • Users can find products through a search engine
  • Users can view their purchase history
  • Users can buy an unlimited number of products
  • System is able to send notifications at any part of the purchasing process

1.8 Out of Scope

  • Real-time GPS
  • Reviews

2. Proposal

2.1 Architecture

The proposed system will use Django Rest Framework to create the API that will communicate with the database and receive requests from a frontend interface created with Vue.js and Bulma. The system will have an integration with Stripe API to process payments.

2.2 Architecture Diagram C4

Level 1: System Context Diagram


Level 2: Container diagram


2.3 Stripe Integration
