
2D&3D plots of LCG values in a gnuplot command file

Primary LanguageGnuplotMIT LicenseMIT


2D&3D plots of LCG values in a gnuplot command file

Usage: gnuplot lcg.plt for an example, gnuplot -e "a=A;c=C;m=M" lcg.plt for a particular LCG. A, C and M might be any expressions as long as gnuplot is able to evaluate them into numbers: 0, 4, floor(log(6110)) and 2**32-1 are valid examples. It will probably not work if M is greater than 232, as gnuplot uses 32-bit integers and 64-bit floating-point numbers.

For example, you can check the behaviour of the infamous RANDU with gnuplot -e "a=65539;c=0;m=2**31" lcg.plt. If you rotate the 3D plot, you will notice that all dots fall in 15 planes.