
Benchmark of frameworks using kotlin

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What is this repository for?

Benchmark of frameworks using Kotlin and one project using GO in order to have a basic benchmark of performance between JVM based frameworks X GO

All the Api's have two endpoints:
A POST endpoint that receives a username and a password, store at a list in memory and returns the User created with an ID
A GET enpoint that returns a User based in a path param ID

  • go: Simple REST Api written in Go using gorilla/mux and net/http
  • javalin: Simple REST Api written in Kotlin using javalin
  • reactor-netty: Simple Reactive REST Api written in Kotlin using reactor-netty
  • spark: Simple REST Api written in Kotlin using sparkjava
  • spring-webflux: Simple Reactive REST Api written in Kotlin using spring_webflux
  • spring: Simple REST Api written in Kotlin using spring-boot
  • results: HTML results from Gatling

How do I get set up?


Clone and Build

Just clone this repository and start to build all the projects for you to be able to run the Jmeter or Gatling scripts

How to Build the projects

Just execute the build script.

$ cd $HOME/kotlin-bench/
$ sh build-all.sh 

If you would like to know how to build individually, just take a look at the script.

How to run the projects

  • go: just run the executable file and you can use nohup in case you don't want to lock your terminal session
$ cd $HOME/kotlin-bench/go/
$ ./api-test
  • javalin, reactor-netty, spark, spring-webflux and spring: Just use java -jar and you can use nohup in case you don't want to lock your terminal session
$ java -jar $HOME/kotlin-bench/javalin/build/libs/javalin-all-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ java -jar $HOME/kotlin-bench/reactor-netty/build/libs/reactor-netty-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar
$ java -jar $HOME/kotlin-bench/spark/build/libs/spark-all-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ java -jar $HOME/kotlin-bench/spring-webflux/build/libs/spring-webflux-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ java -jar $HOME/kotlin-bench/spring/build/libs/spring-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

How to run the benchmark

In order to run the benchmark we must have the random username and password data generated. To do that we'll run the file generate_data.rb

$ ruby generate_data.rb

After you run this command above you should have a file named data.csv created inside the folder. We'll use this file to run our benchmark.

Running using Jmeter

Start one of the API's. The API will listen to requests at localhost:61543/users

Using Jmeter command line listed bellow, start the benchmark.jmx script and wait till it finish

$ JVM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:NewSize=512m -XX:MaxNewSize=1024m"  && export JVM_ARGS && $JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter -n -t benchmark-test.jmx -l testresults.jtl

The result will be available at testresults.jtl file.

In order to see the compilation of the results, open Jmeter in GUI mode (double click to jmeter located at bin folder) and open the benchmark.jmx test plan. After that you will be able to go to Summary Report and browse to the file testresults.jtl and all the information will be resumed in the table located in this report.

Running using Gatling

First you'll have to copy the file kotlinBenchSimulation.scala to the gatling simulations folder and the data.csv file to the gatling resources folder

$ mkdir $GATLING_HOME/user-files/simulations/kotlinbench

$ cp kotlinBenchSimulation.scala $GATLING_HOME/user-files/simulations/kotlinbench/
$ cp data.csv $GATLING_HOME/user-files/resources/

Start one of the API's. The API will listen to requests at localhost:61543/users

Start the Gatling script

$ sh $GATLING_HOME/bin/gatling.sh

Choose the kotlinBenchSimulation number or hit enter if you have only our simulation located at user-files

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests - Feel free to contribute
  • Code review - Feel free to contribute
  • Other contributions - Feel free to contribute with anything that you want!!!

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin josemanzoli
  • Other community or team contact Well, it`s just me for now!