
Get the nearest movies in a Cinépolis Theatre, of any given position expressed in coordinates.

Primary LanguagePython

Cartelera Cine

Get the nearest movies in a Cinépolis Theatre, of any given position expressed in coordinates.


Important! be sure that chromedriver is installed, check: http://chromedriver.chromium.org/.

Or try the command to install:

brew cask install chromedriver

Always check for new chromedriver updates!

$ brew cask upgrade chromedriver

Set up the Python 3 environment.

Set a new virtual environment with the required libraries.

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install pandas geopy beautifulsoup4 lxml

Remember you can also use the requirements.txt file.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step by step

Step 1. Get the current location.

import json

def currentLocation():
    with open('files/us.json', 'r') as f:
        locations = json.load(f)

    return locations

Step 2. Get the theatres locations.

import json

import rubik as rk
import pandas as pd

def getTheatreLocs():

    with open('files/theatre_locations.json', 'r') as f:
        theatres = json.load(f)

    theatres = pd.DataFrame(theatres)
    theatres = rk.flatDict(theatres, 'location')

    return theatres

Step 3. Get the nearest theatres locations.

import math
import geopy.distance

class TravelTimes(object):
    VELOCITY = 5 # km per hour

    def __init__(self, lat, lon):

        self.LAT = lat
        self.LON = lon
    def trafficTime(self, row):

        coords_1 = (row['lat'], row['lon'])
        coords_2 = (self.LAT, self.LON)

        distance = geopy.distance.vincenty(coords_1, coords_2).km
        duration = (distance / self.VELOCITY) * 60
        duration = math.ceil(duration)

        return int(duration)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getNearestTheatre(self, locations):

        locations['minutes'] = locations.apply(self.trafficTime, axis=1)
        locations = locations.sort_values('minutes').reset_index(drop=True)

        # Keep only 3 theatres.
        locations = locations.head(3)

        return locations[['_id', 'zone', 'minutes']]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Step 4. Get the movies from Cinepolis.

import json
import time
import datetime

import bs4 as bs
import rubik as rk
import pandas as pd

from splinter import Browser

class Cinepolis(object):
    def __init__(self):

        self.NOW = datetime.datetime.now()

    def getUrlHtml(self, url):

            with Browser('chrome', headless=False) as browser:


                script = "return document.body.innerHTML"
                innerHTML = browser.execute_script(script)
                # innerHTML = innerHTML.encode('utf-8') # Only in Python 2.7

                with open('files/movies.txt', 'w') as f:
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def concatSite(self, row):

        url = "http://www.cinepolis.com/cartelera/{}/{}"
        url = url.format(row['zone'], row['_id'])

        return url

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getMovieTime(self, link):

        time_list = []

        for time in link.find_all('time'):
            if 'value' in time.attrs.keys():
                value = time.attrs['value']

        return time_list

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def checkCinepolis(self, url):

        with open('files/movies.txt', 'r') as f:
            movies = f.read()
            # movies = movies.decode('utf-8') # Only in Python 2.7

        soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(movies, 'lxml')

        movie_list = []
        for link in soup.find_all('article'):
            for span in link.find_all('span'):
                if 'class' in span.attrs.keys():
                    if 'data-layer' in span['class']:
                            'director': span.attrs['data-director'],
                            'title': span.attrs['data-titulo'],
                            'location': span.attrs['data-list'],
                            'original': span.attrs['data-titulooriginal'],
                            'time': self.getMovieTime(link)

        return movie_list

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getMovies(self, nearest):

        nearest['site'] = nearest.apply(self.concatSite, axis=1)

        nearest['movies'] = nearest['site'].map(self.checkCinepolis)
        nearest = rk.unGroupLists(nearest, 'movies')

        return nearest

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def updateMovies(self, nearest):

        nearest = self.getMovies(nearest)

        with open('files/aux.json', 'w') as f:
                'results': nearest.to_dict(orient='record'),
                'last_update': self.NOW.strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M')
            }, f)

        return None

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Step 5. Show the results to the user.

import json
import datetime

import rubik as rk
import pandas as pd

class PrintMovies(object):
    """ Given a destination, find the closest movie.
    def __init__(self):

        self.TOLERANCE = 10 # minutes

        self.NOW = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.TODAY = datetime.date.today()
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def calculateETA(self, duration):

        return self.NOW + datetime.timedelta(minutes=duration+self.TOLERANCE)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def formatTime(self, movie_time):

        mytime = datetime.datetime.strptime(movie_time,'%H:%M').time()
        mydatetime = datetime.datetime.combine(self.TODAY, mytime)

        return mydatetime

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getWaitingTime(self, nearest):

        nearest = rk.flatDict(nearest, 'movies')
        nearest = rk.unGroupLists(nearest, 'time')

        mask = nearest['time'].isnull()
        nearest = nearest[~mask].reset_index(drop=True)

        nearest['eta'] = nearest['minutes'].map(self.calculateETA)
        nearest['formatted_time'] = nearest['time'].map(self.formatTime)

        nearest['waiting'] = (nearest['formatted_time']-nearest['eta'])
        nearest['waiting'] = nearest['waiting'].astype('timedelta64[m]')
        nearest['waiting'] = nearest['waiting'].astype(int)
        mask = nearest['waiting'] >= 0
        nearest = nearest[mask]
        nearest = nearest.sort_values('waiting').reset_index(drop=True)

        select = [
        nearest = nearest[select]

        return nearest

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def formatLocation(self, s):

        s = s.replace('-', ' ').title()

        return s

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def printOutput(self, nearest):

        nearest = nearest.drop_duplicates('title', keep='first')
        nearest = nearest.reset_index(drop=True).head(5).to_dict(orient="record")

        i = 0
        for near in nearest:
            i += 1
            messages = [
                'Option **************** {} *************************'.format(i),
                'Title ES: \t\t{}'.format(near['title'].encode('utf-8')),
                'Original Title: \t{}'.format(near['original'].encode('utf-8')),
                'Movie starts today at: \t{}'.format(near['time']),
                '\nIf you leave now, you will arrive on time:',
                'Location: \t\t{}'.format(self.formatLocation(near['_id'])),
                'Waiting in Traffic: \t{} minutes'.format(near['minutes']),
                'Waiting at Theatre: \t{} minutes'.format(near['waiting']),

            for message in messages:

        return None

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def output(self):

        with open('files/aux.json', 'r') as f:
            nearest = json.load(f)
            nearest = pd.DataFrame(nearest['results'])

        nearest = self.getWaitingTime(nearest)

        return None

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------