
A Standard K1 Contract, compatible with the Katherine Bond Market.

Centauri Wars


Centauri Wars is a game that tries to represent via NFTs the values of three different species of beings, living in the cluster of the Sun's crowded neighborhood. It is not a financial product.

The Voting Power obtained in Meta Pool will be the currency of the game.to buy widgets and help your team to obtain +1 Defence, or +1 Attach, or +1 Special.


We are in the remote future now. The sun had problems somewhere in the timeline, and we all humans moved to the Tau Ceti star system. The Procyons destroyed the earth by messing with the sun. Some ships escaped, I was the Captain of the Alpha-Centauri ship.

Flying machines are beautiful, but only when you're outside of them, when your are at home. But home is gone, and Tau Ceti is our best shot now. Earth was already on a tough situation. Procyon arrived when society was already collapsed. We were on the Centuries of Silence, energy was the most scarse thing on a Post-Petrollium world. I never knew that humans had space ships until I saw them crashing on the ground. Destroying my city, during combat with a flying creature.

Three races are having constants encounters while cruising the Milky Way. The control of some of the routes was key for the survival and development of them.

The races have adversarial intentions. We can live together all, and in some large cities in the universe we do. But resourses are very scarse.

Rules of the game

  • At the end of every week, a race will win and anybody (with votes) could claim an NFT with the defence/attack/special that the winner had that they.
  • Once every month, the first day of the month. All the NFT minted during the last month, will ally depending on the race. And the race winner will allow the claim of a GADGET, which is basically an NNFT (non-transferible) attached to your NFT.
  • The reason you get the NNFT is because, at the end of the year all the 12, or less, winners, will compete.
  • The winner will receive another NNFT attached to the winner Race NFT fighter.

Why the game exists

  • Any artist could upload an interpretation of the race, their vaules. Their strenghts, but also some crazy ideas as well. The visual interpretation of different realities, that sometimes make us feel identifiyed.
  • There will be a single global NFT winner in Centauri Wars every year.
  • People can vote for their favourites. They can even claim NFT and NNFTs.
  • Gatgets can be purchased to increase the NFT defense/attack/special.

What does "special" do?

The battle every week will be run via cron job.

The battle is taken between the race contendents.

Special can be used for: Who hits first? Special also is something you need to wear special gatgets (NNFT).

The values of the Races

Humans in Tau Ceti

  • Human, noble, greedy, disgusting, brave with a sense of honor.
  • With an admiral connection with God.

Sirius B

  • Old, ancient, developed mind.
  • THey have been living under some kind of bitcoin stardard for millenia.
  • Full energy domination.
  • Sometimes, the entity itself is the ship.


  • Resilient tough beasts.
  • Feroceous, and destructive.
  • Insect like creatures that reproduces very fast.
  • Creatures follow an instinct determined by a single master mind.
  • However, some went rouge, specially the fungae type.
  • Fungae found diferent way to comunicate with other peers without being noticed by the Hive.