Check the official documentation for more information.
Let's start by installing the required packages.
npm install @edgestore/server @edgestore/react zod
Then go to your Dashboard, create a new project and copy the keys to your environment variables.
Now we can create the backend code for our Next.js app.
Edge Store is compatible with both types of Next.js apps (pages router
and app router
The example below is the simplest bucket you can create with Edge Store. Just a simple file bucket with no validation that will be accessible by anyone with the link.
You can have multiple buckets in your app, each with its own configuration.
import { initEdgeStore } from '@edgestore/server';
import { createEdgeStoreNextHandler } from '@edgestore/server/adapters/next/app';
const es = initEdgeStore.create();
* This is the main router for the Edge Store buckets.
const edgeStoreRouter = es.router({
publicFiles: es.fileBucket(),
const handler = createEdgeStoreNextHandler({
router: edgeStoreRouter,
export { handler as GET, handler as POST };
* This type is used to create the type-safe client for the frontend.
export type EdgeStoreRouter = typeof edgeStoreRouter;
Now let's initiate our context provider.
'use client';
import { createEdgeStoreProvider } from '@edgestore/react';
import { type EdgeStoreRouter } from '../app/api/edgestore/[...edgestore]/route';
const { EdgeStoreProvider, useEdgeStore } =
export { EdgeStoreProvider, useEdgeStore };
And then wrap our app with the provider.
import { EdgeStoreProvider } from '../lib/edgestore';
import './globals.css';
// ...
export default function RootLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
return (
<html lang="en">
You can use the useEdgeStore
hook to access typesafe frontend client and use it to upload files.
import * as React from 'react';
import { useEdgeStore } from '../lib/edgestore';
export default function Page() {
const [file, setFile] = React.useState<File>();
const { edgestore } = useEdgeStore();
return (
onChange={(e) => {
onClick={async () => {
if (file) {
const res = await edgestore.publicFiles.upload({
onProgressChange: (progress) => {
// you can use this to show a progress bar
// you can run some server action or api here
// to add the necessary data to your database
By passing the replaceTargetUrl
option, you can replace an existing file with a new one.
It will automatically delete the old file after the upload is complete.
You can also just upload the file using the same file name, but in that case, you might still see the old file for a while because of the CDN cache.
const res = await edgestore.publicFiles.upload({
options: {
replaceTargetUrl: oldFileUrl,
// ...
await edgestore.publicFiles.delete({
url: urlToDelete,