
Java Command Line Simple Calculator

Primary LanguageJava

README - java-simplecalc-cli

Java Simple Calculator - Command Line

1. Introduction

This is repository of the project java-simplecalc-cli.

2. Documentation

2.1. Use Case Diagram


2.2. Deploy Diagram


2.3. Packages and Class Class Diagram


2.4. Branch Strategy Workflow


  • master: pronto para produção
  • develop: último desenvolvimento pronto para produção

Consulte todos detalhes da estratégia de branches e workflow deste projeto.

3. Project

3.1. Preconditions

3.2. Guide for Developers

  • Clone source code using "git clone". Use branch "master" if branch "develop" is not available.
  • Read, if avaliable, "2. Documentation" and "3.X. Guides, Patterns, Standard, Conventions and Best Practices" to understand patterns, standards, conventions and best practices used in this project.
  • Make your changes, commit and push on "develop" branch. Use branch "master" if branch "develop" is not available. Ask me permission, if not available permission to push.

3.3. Guide for Configuration

  • n/a

3.4. Guide for Test

The following command line runs JUnit tests.

C:\..\java-simplecalc-cli> mvn clean test

3.5. Guide for Deploy

The following command line builds a runnable (.jar) in .\target\java-simplecalc-cli-jar-with-dependencies.jar

C:\..\java-simplecalc-cli> mvn clean compile package assembly:single

3.6. Guide for Demonstration

Some demonstrations examples:

  • Evaluate expression: 1 + 1 = 2
C:\..\java-simplecalc-cli> java -jar .\target\java-simplecalc-cli-jar-with-dependencies 1 + 1
  • Evaluate expression: 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 = 2.5. We need to envolve with quotes " because of *
C:\..\java-simplecalc-cli> java -jar target\java-simplecalc-cli-jar-with-dependencies.jar "1 + 2 * 3 / 4"

3.7. Patterns, Standard, Conventions and Best Practices

  • n/a

I - References