I'm a Telegram bot that helps users with bus information in University of São Paulo (USP).
BusyBear uses the SPTrans API to calculate the best stop point for the user to take, based on their location and the direction of the buses, in order to reduce the wait time in the points.
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:josemayer/busybear.git
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file based on .env.sample and set the environment variables with your keys.
Run the bot:
python main.py
This bot has currently an early test version deployed and running at @busybearbot
Telegram username. You can test it by clicking the green flag above the first section.
If you want to deploy your own instance of the bot, please follow the steps outlined in the Getting Started section. Once you have set up the environment variables with your own API keys, you can run the bot.
- Send the command
to the bot to get a greeting message. - Send the command
/list_buses <way>
to the bot to get buses and its stops at moment. - Send your location to the bot to get distances from points within a 250 meter radius.
- Python - Programming language used
- python-telegram-bot - Library used for building Telegram bots in Python
You can contribute to this project by submitting a pull request.
- José Lucas Silva Mayer - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.