
New Jekyll based project site repo for AeroGear.

Primary LanguageHTML



Before you can run the site, make sure you have asciidoc installed on your machine!

Running locally

Ruby & its ecosystem is difficult to install and manage, so we recommend running Jekyll & aerogear.org via Docker.


Build and tag a local docker image via:

[sudo] docker build --tag aerogear.org .

Note: This will clone a fresh copy of the aerogear.org repo into the container.


To run Jekyll via Docker, and mount your local repo to serve content from, run:

docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 -v `pwd`:/home/aerogear/aerogear aerogear.org

This will setup a watch locally, and serve content locally via http://localhost:4000

Publishing Changes

  1. Make changes in aerogear.org repo on a custom branch
  2. Create a PR against the master branch
  3. Get the changes reviewed and verified
  4. Merge to the master branch
  5. Contact a team member on #aerogear on irc to trigger the build to publish the master branch to https://aerogear.org