
Flatland is a simple theme and accompanying color scheme for vim

Primary LanguageVim script



This is my own fork of flatland, please use it at your own risk, all credit goes to the original author Original Author


Screen Shot!


With your favourite plugin manager.


call dein#add('josenava/flatland')

Remove | chars for vertical split

set fillchars+=vert:\ 

Custom python syntax highlighting

If you would like to try python's syntax highlighting you might need a bit more of configuration. First of all enable python syntax highlighting with let python_syntax_highlight = 1

Then modify your after/syntax/python.vim and add the following

" Remove doctest highlighting by commenting out pythonDoctest and pythonDocTest:
syn region pythonDocstring  start=+^\s*[uU]\?[rR]\?'''+ end=+'''+ keepend
  \ excludenl contains=pythonEscape,@Spell,pythonSpaceError",pythonDoctest,pythonDocTest2
" " Make these special variables more special
syn keyword pythonSpecial False True None self
" " Highlight def statements different from normal python statements
" syn keyword pythonDef def class del global lambda nonlocal
" " Highlight 'as' different from normal python statements
syn keyword pythonAs as
" " Highlight the whole name of a decorator, not just the '@'
syn match pythonDecorator "@\w\.\+\>"
" " Highlight 'magic' overload functions
syn keyword pythonMagic __abs__ __add__ __aenter__ __aexit__ __aiter__ __and__ __anext__
  \ __await__ __bytes__ __call__ __complex__ __contains__ __del__ __delattr__ __delete__
  \ __delitem__ __dir__ __divmod__ __enter__ __eq__ __exit__ __float__ __floordiv__
  \ __format__ __ge__ __get__ __getattr__ __getattribute__ __getitem__ __gt__ __hash__
  \ __iadd__ __iand__ __ifloordiv__ __ilshift__ __imod__ __imul__ __index__ __init__
  \ __int__ __invert__ __ior__ __ipow__ __irshift__ __isub__ __iter__ __itruediv__ __ixor__
  \ __le__ __len__ __lshift__ __lt__ __mod__ __mul__ __ne__ __neg__ __new__ __next__ __or__
  \ __pos__ __pow__ __radd__ __rand__ __rdivmod__ __repr__ __reversed__ __rfloordiv__
  \ __rlshift__ __rmod__ __rmul__ __ror__ __rpow__ __rrshift__ __rshift__ __rsub__
  \ __rtruediv__ __rxor__ __set__ __setattr__ __setitem__ __str__ __sub__ __truediv__ __xor__


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.