
Sistema em Clojure que simula o acesso das apis do twitter

Primary LanguageClojure

Api Twitter with Clojure

Build Status

Api Twitter it's a simple service that emulated the main resources from Twitter, it's still incomplete, but I will update regulary, the goals is have a complete service.


Api Twitter use some open source libraries:

  • [Leininger] - Do you know Maven for Java?, Gems for Ruby? Well this is what Leininger is for Clojure
  • [Ring] - A libray for web applications
  • [Cheshire] - Json encode/decode
  • [Midje] - Great framework to create test in for Clojure
  • [Monger] - MongoDB client for a lot of documentation

Api Twitter is also an open source project, you can download and learn much more with it.


Api Intranet require Leininger, you can download it here Leininger. You will need it to run the project, the installation is super simple, if you are using windows there is an installer here Leininger Windows Install

After install Leininger, you can go to your project root path and run the command below, Leining will install all dependecies.

$ lein deps

We are almost ready to run the project, make sure you have the MongoDB installed. If everything is ok, run the command below to start the service!

$ lein ring server-headless

If you MongoDB are not installed locally or using another port, you can edit the file db.clj and change the settings.


There is a lot of tools to connect with the services, but I recommend Insomnia it's a great Rest client and you will love it. Api Twitter has for while the follow services

Name Endpoint
Register User [POST] localhost:3000\register
Sign User [POST] localhost:3000\sign
Create Twitter [POST] localhost:3000\twitter
Like Twitter [POST] localhost:3000\like
List All My Twitter [GET] localhost:3000\twitter\:user
See My Twitter [GET] localhost:3000\twitter\:status\:id

Let's see some examples how you can use that services.

[POST] localhost:3000\register
	"user-name" : "admin", 
	"email": "admin1@upnid.com", 
	"pass-hash": "@gd67grdfbf87fhb87b872dh27"
[POST] localhost:3000\sign 
	"user-name" : "admin", 
	"pass-hash": "@gd67grdfbf87fhb87b872dh27"
[POST] localhost:3000\twitter
	"user-name" :"admin", 
	"post": "My new twitter is so cool!"
[POST] localhost:3000\like
	"user-name" :"admin", 
	"user-twitter" :"admin", 
	"twitter-oid": "5e4f27e9000efc3474cd9d37"
[GET] localhost:3000\twitter\admin
[GET] localhost:3000\twitter\status\5e4f27e9000efc3474cd9d37


Api Twitter was built using TDD(Test Driven Development), all development was guided by the tests, there are 40 now, between units tests and acceptance tests that can be easily executed running with Leininger.

Remenber that when all the tests are executed, all data created in the database will be erased.

Running all tests:

$ lein midje

Running only acceptance tests

$ lein midje :filter acceptance

Running only unit tests

$ lein midje :filter -acceptance

Project Structure

The project was divided as some layers:

  • [src/api_twitter/core.clj] - This is our main file, where all requests are packed and the routes are created.
  • [src/api_twitter/user_service.clj] - This file handle all logic related to users and send the data to the database service
  • [src/api_twitter/twitter_service.clj] - This file handle all logic related to twitters and send the data to the database service
  • [src/api_twitter/db.clj] - Make all connection with the MongoDB and receive all data from the services files
  • [test/acceptance/api_twitter/handller_acceptance_test.clj] - This file realize all acceptence tests
  • [test/units/api_twitter/handller_unit_test.clj] - This file realize all unit tests
  • [test/api_twitter/utils.clj] - File with some help functions for the tests