
This application is a Crypto site that provides the user with live crypto data and allows the user to create a custom wishlist from their favorites coins (Data powered by Coingecko API)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT

MVC - Cryptofolio


This application is a crypto portfolio created using Node.js, express.js, mySQL, sequelize, express handlebars, express session, dotenv, bcrypt, handlebars helpers & CoinGecko API, among other tools; to provide the user with an application that allows the user to signup, login and logout of their account & get more functionality once they log in such as creating their own crypto portfolio watchlist, search for a single coin, view more data on a single coin, view top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap, view top 100 cryptocurrencies by volume traded & view the top 10 centralized exchanges with data for each. The application was completed using the MVC programming paradigm.

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JS JSON Nodejs Expressjs NPM mySQL Sequalize Postman HandlebarsJS CSS3 Bootstrap FontAwesome

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As a developer:
  1. Git clone to new branch or fork.
  2. install node.js.
  3. Command line (npm install) to install neccesary modules located on package.json.
  4. Create your own environmental variables on a file called .env to connect with your database.
  5. Use a database tool like Dbeaver to create database using schema.sql and use Command Line ( npm run seed) to seed the database.
  6. Command Line (node server.js) to get your pc to listen to port 3001.
  7. Use an API platform like postman to check on different routes and application functionality.
As a User: 
  1. https://vast-gorge-15693.herokuapp.com/

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Must have Node.js downloaded!

Must have mySQL downloaded! OR Use and seed database of choice.

Must have DBeaver downloaded!

As a developer:

    Install neccesary modules using the Command line -> npm install
    Create environmental variables to connect to your database securely ->  (.env)
    Create the database on mySQL using schema.sql, then use Command line -> npm run seed
    Command line to start application -> node server.js
    Use an API platform like postman to test functionality of the routes and models

As a user:

Deployed Website

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Youssef Ojeil Github - Full Stack Developer

Jose Barreto Github - Full Stack Developer

Elizabeth Decarlo - Full Stack Developer

Alexander Brutus


Video Demo

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  • Home page


  • Favorites page example


  • Mobile


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Any additional questions or feed back, feel free to contact any of the team members:

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This project is licensed under the The MIT License

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