
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT



As a programmer:
  1. Git clone.
  2. install node.js.
  3. Command line (npm install) to install neccesary modules located on package.json.
  4. Create your own environmental variables on a file called .env to connect with your database.
  5. Use a database tool like Dbeaver to create database using schema.sql and use Command Line ( npm run seed) to seed the database.
  6. Command Line (node server.js) to get your pc to listen to port 3001.
  7. Use an API platform like postman to check on different routes and application functionality.


This application is an employee tracker created using node.js, express.js, mySQL, inquirer, console.table module and other tools; to provide the user with a command line employee tracker with the capacity to show you all departments, roles, and employees in the database while also providing the opportunity to add new departments, roles, and employees to the database. you can also update an employee role if needed


Must have Node.js downloaded!

Must have mySQL downloaded!

Must have DBeaver downloaded!

As a programmer:

    Install neccesary modules using the Command line -> npm install
    Create environmental variables to connect to your database securely ->  (.env)
    Create the database on mySQL using schema.sql, then use Command line -> npm run seed
    Command line to start application -> node server.js
    Use an API platform like postman to test functionality of the routes and models




Video Demo


This project is licensed under the The MIT License



Copyright (c) joseobm92. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the The MIT License license.