
A system to manage your personal finances.

My Finances

An Excel worksheet to help you take the control of your personal finance life!

How it can help me?

It's a prebuild worksheet with a data model, forms, and entry validation, so you can just download it, push your data and you will see your expenses by categories as well as how much money you have in your funds into beautiful and organized charts.

How it works?

Right after download it, you will register your funds and create many categories that you want to follow your expenses and revenues. There are three default types of funds (you can create more if will be needed) and four types of categories.


The funds are places when you can put your money or use it like money. Examples: bank accounts, crypto coins, credit cards, or just real money. The fund type is just a way to help build graphs and tables grouped by it.

Fund Types

  • Credit Card
  • Account
  • Money


The categories are more complex. You can create how many categories you want, but every category can be associated with just one type and this type define how a category will work.

Categories Types / Descriptions:

  • Pay - Just pay transactions
  • Receive - Just receives transactions
  • Transfer - Transactions from a fund to another
  • Inaugural - Just opened fund, the transaction can be a receive or a payment


When you have done the register of the categories and funds, you are ready to start. You just need entry your transaction using the form. Every transaction has a category, this category determines if the transaction is a payment, a receive, or a transfer. Furthermore, you can use the Inaugural category to insert the initial values in just opened funds.