
A program which generates the cosmic number chain for integers 1 - 1,000,000.

What is a cosmic number?

A cosmic number is a number in which the english spelling has the same amount of characters as the number it represents. The only positive cosmic number is 4.

length of "four" = 4

What is a cosmic chain?

Non-cosmic numbers can be chained together, inevetabally reaching 4.

1 is 3 // length of "one" = 3
3 is 5 // length of "three" = 5
5 is 4 // length of "five" = 4
4 is cosmic

Length of larger numbers with multiple words compounded are calculated without spaces, dashes, or the word "and".

Example: 123

❌ "one hundred and thirty-two" // length = 26
✔️ "onehundredthirtytwo" // length = 19

Converting numbers to english

Integers can be broken down into a handful of common "atomic" english words.

These are 1 - 19

one, two, three ... eighteen, nineteen

And multiples of 10 from 20 - 90

twenty, thirty, forty ... eighty, ninety

Numbers can also be assigned a "magnitude"

hundred, thousand, million, billion ...

This program calculates "hundred" as a magnitude that can only be associated with an integer from 1 - 9. Any other magnitude can be associated with an integer from 1 - 999.

Example: 1600

❌ "sixteen hundred" // length = 14 *without space(s)
✔️ "one thousand six hundred" // length = 21 *without space(s)

We can break a number down into groups as typically represented by a comma "," in the United States.

Example: 12,450,052
Groups: [12], [450], [52]

These groups will be an integer from 0 - 999. 0 is not represented as "zero" = length 4, rather it is the absence of a group.

Example: 1,000,001
Groups: [1], [0], [1]

❌ "one million zero thousand one" // length = 25 *without space(s)
✔️ "one million one" // length = 13 *without space(s)

Therefore, every group can be represented by the length of a number from 1-999 followed by the optional length of the magnitude identifyer. The resulting sum of all groups is the length of the entire english representation of a number.